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Education Fun Fund

Durham CiCC
Education Fun Fund Guidelines 2024


Applications for the Education Fun Fund are now open.


You must complete the application sheet to apply for pupil premium and have it submitted to by the 31st December 2024.


A panel of young people from the CICC will consider each application carefully and make the decisions as to who is successful.


We will let you know if you have been successful for the pupil premium within four weeks of your application.


You must use the money we have given you within the first month of a successful application. We require that you submit a follow up, letting us know what you have spent your money on and how this has benefitted you. You can do this how ever you want to: write a report, or use photos, a video or artwork. You will be contacted closer to the time as a small reminder for this information. We will provide you with an evaluation sheet to complete and send back to us and will include further instruction closer to the time.


You can only apply once for the pupil premium project if you are successful.

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